Matryx: A Decentralized Collaboration Platform... Their Token sale has started !!!!

About Matryx :

Matryx is a platform for decentralized collaboration. Matryx consists of a bounty system, a library of digital assets, and a marketplace. Problems are posted, along with a bounty for a verified solution. Users then collaborate to solve problems, share results, and earn rewards. Rewards are given to all relevant contributors, and all submissions are added to the Matryx library and marketplace for future purchase. This will create an ecosystem of public collaboration and ideas that will drive research and innovation.

You can visit their site from here :

The Problem :

The Matryx started its initiative because of the collaboration problem. It means without collaboration and proper co-ordination between different teams which are working on the same problem may waste lot of time, money and effort. STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) are fields of study that face similar challenges. Especially if the problems are in silos then duplication of effort and redundancy can be seen a lot. By providing a global community that encourages and incentivizes the exchange of ideas, time to innovation is greatly reduced while problems are solved very easily.

Matryx Solution :

It has a blockchain-based bounty system that provides incentives for collaborative problem solving. Creators are rewarded for contributions with MTX tokens (The token that backing their blockchain technology). Anyone can post bounties to Matryx. Participants compete to solve these problems in a tournament. The winning solution of each round is shared publicly so that new contributors can remix into a new iteration, enabling users to reach the goal faster and more effectively. Once a problem is solved, rewards and recognition are given to all winning contributors, not just the last contributor, for fairness and transparency.

The Matryx team builds intelligent virtual reality interfaces that enable scientists and engineers to collaborate, design and simulate with nanoscale precision. Their software helps advance research and development in life sciences, materials sciences, and nanoengineering by integrating a hands-on virtual reality interface with cloud computing. At present they have two products Calc-Flow and Nano one.

Calc-Flow is basically a Graphing Calculator in VR. It is the future of mathematical modeling. Presently it can perform all problems of vector calculus which includes

  • Vector Addition
  • Cross Product
  • Parameterized Functions
  • Mobius Strip
  • Double & Surface Integrals
  • Spherical Coordinate Mapping

By this tool anyone can easily understand vector calculus. They are going to add many more features to it which is going to revolutionize how students can learn mathematics. It is currently available for Vive and Oculus.

You can see how it works in the video below :

(Source : Youtube)

Nano-one software helps to build organic molecules such as Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydrogen, etc in VR. It is the first molecular visualization and modeling tool for today’s virtual reality platforms.

Matryx helps professionals as they won’t have to go through an enormous amount of interviews to get their project funded, or prove they have the appropriate accolades to work on a project; nor to convince people their research is worth considering.
It helps amateurs as they won’t necessarily need a PhD or science-specific background to develop an idea, or to participate in someone else’s project. People who are interested will have the opportunity to contribute to any project they find interesting.

By reducing most of the unnecessary processes and barriers and providing a forum for more inclusive and collaborative problem-solving, Matryx can speed the rate of creation and innovation dramatically.

You can find more information from their website :

View a short intro of Matryx here :

(Source : Youtube)

Currently their token sale has started recently and will be running for around 4 weeks. Currently there are 26 days left for the sale. If you like their idea and want to contribute you can participate in the token sale to help them grow which in turn helps the world to be a better place : )

Please share your views of Matryx in the comments to help people to get to know better.

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