Hello dear Steemians,
Today I want to share with you few images that are proof that accept from earning money, Steemit is a great place to meet good and interesting people.
@jungwatercolor and myself (@srba)☺ know each other from Steemit, but yesterday we had a great pleasure to meet each other in person.
Behind this name @jungwatercolor and great paintings we had opportunity to see here, there is Dunja Jung, interesting, creative and unique person that you don't get to know every day!
Her personality stands still with her art. We meet in beautufull Zemun, had a cup of coffie which we bout love, talking about life in one sentance.
It was really nice to hear Dunjas life story, to be the part of her life point of view, to see things from her perspective. It is very useful when you actually realize that time and all kind of differences are not an obstacle in sharing something with other people.
I would call it brave. To share and show. To be what you are.
Dunja and I realised that we have a lot in common.
And yes, Steemit is a great thing. But. Go outside,meet people. Talk to them. Laugh with them. Cry with them. Cause nothing can be change for real life and real people. I am sory, but not even Steemit! ☺
I am looking forward to another great Friendship with great @jungwatercolor!