
Hello everyone,

Nothing much to say in this entry. Mcm biasa la Sunday what do you expect? Of course stay at home and get enough rest before continue to train tomorrow. We usually use Sunday for full body recovery and avoid from doing anything heavy. In addition, I am so happy today because of my favorite team Manchester United did a comeback last night against Manchester City in Manchester Derby. After went down 2-0, they did an epic comeback and won by 2-3! It's been a while didn't see Manchester United fight really hard after went down but this season, they did a few comeback! This is the spirit that I want to see as one of the big fans!
Well, enough with story of last night and lets focus on what's happening today. Macam biasa la skarang mula suda Sukan Komanwel 2018 and mestilah support negara sendiri Malaysia.
Sempat tengok Dato Lee Chong Wei tadi menewaskan wakil England straight game dalam acara perseorangan dan melayakkan team Malaysia mara ke pusingan akhir menentang India nanti.
Lama juga x tgok DLCW punya match before, selalu miss sejak final lawan Lin Dan tempoh hari. His performance still mantap macam before for his age dengan pengalaman yang banyak, sentiasa kekal tenang dan tahu mengatur corak permainan sendiri. But, we need to find his pelapis because untill when we need to rely on him. So far belum ada lagi yang mempunyai standard permainan yang sangat bagus seperti dia. If ada pun bukan under BAM. Ntah la I can't explain much or can say anything about it apa politik dalaman yang berlaku antara atlet dan organisasi sukan. Itu hal mereka tapi apa pun we need pelapis untuk gantikan DLCW. Bukan sebab dia x bagus dan diperlukan lagi, tetapi sampai bila kita mau harapkan dia membawa nama Malaysia seorang diri. Tanggungjawab beliau sangat besar dan expectation orang sentiasa tinggi.
I think that's all for today. Till the next entry, see ya!

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