Drive Carefully

In this entry, I would like to talk about driver behavior. Please be extra careful when driving and not to be a dumbass by make the road is like owned by you. There's so many users in the road and had different behavior.

No picture for this entry and hope everything will be into your mind when you're driving. Like in the previous entry, I've already talk about texting while driving and drive slowly on the right lane. For that common issue, it's too mainstream and everyone actually know about that but still being stupid to ignore.

Remember, all drivers must be have family members and waiting for they coming back home. You're not living in this world alone. So appreciate everyone's life. If you still being stupid and doesn't care about your own life,everyone else does. If you want to die so badly, don't drive like bulls**t on the road. If there's accident, it risks the life of everyone and not only you.

I am not a good driver, but I don't jumping queue and give the indicator signal when turns. I admit there's sometime something bad almost happen because of the careless of the other driver. No matter who, if something could happen would happen. So be extra careful and drive properly.

Don't be so ego because of you drive fancy cars or whatever it is because we still human being and our blood still red. I think that's it for today. Till the next entry, see ya!

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