It is December! And Yes! We are Alive As Ever!

Can you hear the jingles? The carols? And the Christmas cheer?

We have been busy the whole year, although seldom post it here, but yes, there is not a month we are free and easy!

This year is actually our 3rd GO BIG OR GO HOME CHALLENGE to bless as many who truly needed help as possible in order to put food on the tables of the under privileged so that at least, this Christmas season, the children will not go to sleep with hungry bellies, and parents are less stressful.

Many years ago we actually started with just 100 families to bless, and now, hitting an all new target impressed in our hearts, by faith, we received a list of 500 families, majority (almost 400 families) are Tamil speaking, and some are from refugee settlements too.

And this is actually not an easy task. The Food Packing Team that has split into 2 Saturdays to do is just the final process. There are behind the scenes work such as sorting all the donations coming in based on our flyer's wish list, tagging them in the right sizes and weight, then the packing starts.

All essential items of different shape and sizes that requires sorting is not tiring our volunteers (who were also recipients) when we saw such abundance. We could not be more grateful, however as of last Saturday, we are still quite short 50% of received goods.

####### Nevertheless, we must give thanks to our LORD for HIS provision through HIS generous children of God.

The amount of sorting we need is necessary, and even up till today, we are still sorting all the incoming donations.

Tomorrow, Saturday, we will be attempting to pack ALL 420 FAMILIES Christmas Blessed Bags! We do not know how many hours will take us, because it took us 2 hours to complete approximately 150 families of usual food packs.... looking at it, we do need a miracle to complete this challenge within a day!

However, we know our God is good and nothing is impossible for HIM

We rely on HIS supernatural strength to get it done!
However, we do appreciate your thoughts and prayers too!

This round, our children will be so delighted with these colourful balloons!

How wonderful and fulfilling this Christmas is will be.

Angie Ng

Daily Bread Food Bank Director
disclosure: the Daily Bread Food Bank is a non-profit channel, collaborating with other NGOs including the latest Fresh Food Bank Initiative movement.
To know who we are, please do read through our introduction here in Steemit


Time flies indeed! We are already here for 2 years!

Where you can find us in mainstream media

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20% will be dedicated to help @littlenewthings to face her financial emergency. Please look for her latest post to understand the details.

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