Psy-Ops _ Weakening The Will Of The Enemy, One Deadly Creature At A Time #1. The Cassowary

Psy-Ops - Tactics intended to manipulate one's opponents or enemies, such as the dissemination of propaganda or the use of psychological warfare.

#1. Introducing The Cassowary. Deadliest bird in the world. It is a veloceraptor that wears a helmet and can swim. It hates you and wants to kill you. Why? Just because it can. And it is on #teamaustralia in the upcoming #steemwars

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Training camps of these, what have been quoted to be "Dinosaur-shark-birds", have been in long use, but the cruelty of using such a vicious weapon has until now, been forbidden by every convention on every continent by everyone. But their time has time. The lifting of restrictions by the UN regarding birds of war means we have already won.
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Psy-ops #2 The Paralysis Tick

Imagery of leaked top secret, training footage retrieved from Google Images.

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@sirknight @wishmaiden

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