Rujak Aceh is Very Tasty



Rujak Aceh is known to favor. Don't like rujak other, there is a unique taste of one of the typical cuisine of the Land of Rencong. Tasting it, we'll find a taste sensation all its own.

Rujak Aceh is similar to rujak in other regions. Pieces of fruit such as mango, jicama, pineapple, papaya and guava. Everything is all mixed with peanut sauce, which has been first sprinkled with salt and brown sugar. While the spicy taste, the buyer can order according to taste. Let later the seller that determines, for the size of the spicy we that's how chili is needed.

Well, to give a sense of fresh, rujak Aceh've got a secret, namely the fruit of the sago palm. The fruit which is apparently similar to this bark, is actually the fruit of a palm/sago. The tree is widely found in the villages. Fruit that gives the sensation a unique taste on the rujak Aceh. Due to the fruit of the sago palm, the taste of sweet and spicy was combined with the sour taste


See you in the next post. Thank you

Restaurant Information

Jalan Medan - Banda Aceh, Cot Buket, Peusangan, Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia

Rujak Aceh is Very Tasty
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