Today's three card pick represents 1: past 2: present 3: future
You can pick card 1, 2 or 3 or any combo....
Card 1: Five of Cups: Horsetail: genus Equisetum
The plant Horsetail is found in many wetland and swampy areas here in the Pacific Northwest. It is known to have one of the highest levels of silica content. This can aid in healthy bone development. Horsetail is used for inflammatory urinary tract disorders and for arthritic and rheumatic complaints.
The picture shows a pensive pondering man, with spilled cups of red liquid. Picking this card can symbolize a loss in business, love, death. This in the past energy position. The green represents the heart chakra and is more likely that your emotional heart frequencies have had some challenging moments as of late. Sitting quietly, meditatively to process and clear painful emotions takes work. Sometimes, you might find yourself not being able to even take the time to process, however it is crucial for your healing to find the space and time to work through it. Once your cup is empty, it will be easier to re fill it with some heart magnetic alignment energies.
Today is a New Moon these energies these feelings will start shifting this evening into the rest of the week.
A tree fiddler to play a joyful tune, mend your heart and break your picks up..
Card 2: Ten of Pentacles: Wild Yam Dioscorea villosae
Well it's that time of year again when all the root vegetables are harvested and warm earthy foods are craved. The suit of pentacles makes me smile and have a sense of Earth and abundant energies.
Wild Yam is especially good for aiding the liver and gall bladder, it is a antispasmodic and diaphoretic. There are approximately 600 species of wild yam. As most regular yams and sweet potatoes are edible, most wild yam tubers are edible, and a bit bitter, there are 12 varieties that are not edible.
Many leaves of varieties including sweet potatoes are edible. This plant makes for a great house plant, it will grow wildly like a climbing vine. You can throw the leaves in your salads, high in magnesium and calcium. They are super duper easy to grow, barely ever needs water and will grow with limited sunlight. I recommend trying a Japanese purple sweet potato or any kind of grocery store bought yam. Lay it on it's side in a medium pot and barely cover it with soil, it will take off!
This is a funny combo plant Aloe and a red sweet potato I've grown for years.
New Moon is in Sagittarius today, great time for thinking, planning scheming for the next year ahead and your money train. Ten of pentacles represents an abundance of material prosperity. Feel the current of prosperity around you and your love ones and it will magnify 10 Fold!
Card 3: Ace of Swords Chamomile Anthemis nobilise
I consider Chamomile one of the master herbs, it's no coincidence it corresponds to an Ace. Swords cut things, invoke action and are known to represent the element air and intellect. Swords are known to affect the nervous system and respiratory system.
Picking this card today, you might be in need of some relief from stress, nervousness, tension, stomach aches, cramps etc. Chamomile, can come to your aid, is its known as a antispasmodic, digestive aid, calmative and is can help in absorption of calcium.
For future energies, this herb is telling you, its TEA time! Be especially cautious not to over steep or boil this herb. It can turn bitter very quickly. Only 3 minutes or less to steep when making tea and do not boil it. This tea brings about calming inner peace energies. It is known to help chill out those anxiety frequencies as well.
Ace of swords has a victory of completion energy to it, the blue and the clouds represent in the picture a time for communication and a sense of inner peace and contentment. This is a great card to start your New Moon energies in Sagittarius and get that imagination and inventor mind rockin!
Thanks for stopping by and if you feel you gained some insights, helpful info or pure entertainment, please......
Readings are entertainment only (legally). You are in charge of your own destiny and health.
(thanks @viking-ventures ! )
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