πŸ’–Tarot Tuesday 🌟Top of the Morning Tarot πŸŒŸπŸ˜πŸŒŽπŸŒ™πŸ†πŸ’°

Today I am using the Mystics Oracle Deck that I recently bought from my friend the lovely Sarah Love Hanna McCoy.
All art work is done by her and the text is written by Lindsay Pera.

Because these cards are new to me, I've decided to do a 2 card pull, representing energies now.

Feel free to pick 1 or both cards.

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A little snow to break up your picks?


Card 1: Children

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~ Seven Generations ~ Downstream Impact ~ Unintended Consequences ~ The Why ~ The Future ~


The eyes of the future generations are up to you.

What will you leave behind for the next generations? A better world than what you experienced? In every day life do you think of how your actions affect the world around you?

Picking this card today, can remind you of the great web of life and what truly will be your legacy? The invitation for you to recognize that all actions have a ripple lasting affect of the conscious field and the physical field of frequencies and health of the web of life. Perhaps it's time to remember that we are here as caretakers of this beautiful planet.

What will you leave behind a legacy of love? Did you know, according to Dr. Bruce Lipton, children till the age of 7 years old, function from their Theta brain states? That means they are recording all the information around them, in a dream like state, absorbing all the programs that will form and forge their personalities.
This pure state is LOVE.

Let this card remind you that each of us,can seize the opportunity to leave a better planet than what we inherited.


Card 2 : Resonance

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~ Flow ~ Ease ~ Grace Return on Energy ~ Synchronicity ~ Opportunities ~


The return on energy you seek are held in the mystery of your resonance.

Having a "Red Light" day? This is when you get up, get out in the world, hop in your car and no matter where you go or what your up to, you hit every red light possible. Do you get anxious, start thinking I'm going to be late. Frustrated you start spewing out negative verbiage to that car driving 15 miles an hour in front of you. Better yet, you are so frustrated now you are Sir honk a lot? Perhaps it's time to check yourself? What would happen, if you rolled with it, got into the resonance flow of the red light day, trust, take a breath and know that perhaps in that friction of resonance, you might just cosmically run into that person you haven't seen in decades, but have been thinking about them.

Perhaps you could take a few deep breaths, shift your resonance and watch the green lights start to show up.

I personally have either a green light day or a red light day, rarely is it in between. Anyone else experience this?

If I'm in the red light day, I figure my resonance is telling me, take a pause, a moment,a breath, allow the synchronicity of the moment to allow patience frequencies. I let everyone else pull out in front of me and go into slow mo!

The more we strive to create our authentic selves the more we can be in resonance with our daily intentions.


Readings are entertainment only.
You are in charge of your own destiny and health.

Thanks for stopping by and if you feel you gained some insights, helpful info or pure entertainment, please......


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