Going Green: Cleaning up!

What does a small piece of litter mean in the grand scheme of things? Not much hey, in this vast universe… or what difference can one little person make? Surely there’s nothing you can do to help the environment and make an impact on the world??

Yes you can! Or rather, together we can. It’s hard to know the impact we can each make but added together, all the small things add up and it starts right here, with you and in this place.

You’ve heard of the butterfly effect, right? The theory states that one small action in one place and time can have a huge effect in a seemingly unrelated later state.

It’s time to flap our wings! ;)

How so? Well, firstly, we need to educate and encourage people to do all they can to look after the environment. That includes not throwing litter on beaches, in parks, and around public places, and being careful what they throw out at home and in businesses.

Not only does it look untidy, but affects the planet in numerous detrimental ways and should be reduced and eliminated. Not to mention tourism, as who wants to visit polluted seas and beaches? And that spells a problem for places like the Canary Islands…

That said, this still goes on and we’re a long way off perfection, so we need to keep on top of all the litter and waste that is piled up around every corner of the earth.

That’s something we have already got involved with here in Tenerife and we’re pleased to say that there are many others encouraging this movement. Read either this post or this one on our blog which both discuss recent successful beach clean ups and shows that this really is a team effort and can also be a lot of fun.

It’s not necessarily the first thing on everyone’s bucket list… but doing good, being active and in a social environment also benefits each and every person involved.

There will be more beach clean ups for sure, but we won’t be stopping there. Have you seen the state of some barrancos? This is also where we can make some inroads and any other spaces with visible, and not so obvious damage and litter.

Be the Change!

It’s also important to lead by example. Not only are children influenced by our actions (or lack of them) but many people observe and naturally want to get involved. Just read those posts above where people even applauded the volunteers!

This is an exciting time to be alive with all the options and technology available to us. We can truly do great things and that’s only going to increase rapidly as time goes on.

However, that opportunity could all be reversed if we don’t get on top of this now. Part of living a successful life is minimising and eliminating all that can drag you down, before you can add on and enjoy all the wonderful opportunities this world has to offer.

We all have a collective responsibility, and without wanting to go all Bono or Geldof, we do need to act now.

So, how can you get involved? Of course, this needs to happen on a world scale, but we can and should do all we can right here in our own backyards.

We are also open to suggestions as this is a collaborative effort after all. Do you have an idea for a clean up? Would you like to stay informed and join us at our next one? Be sure to stay in contact and keep up to date with our social channels and you’ll be the first to know!

~ Adam & the Canary Green team


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