More succulents!

photo credit- swiped from Facebook
the rest of the photos in this post are my own

I moved my succulent collection to the gardening bench in the backyard. I'm hoping they'll be protected enough back there but still get some good sunshine.

I had them all on a table, it was getting kinda crowded in the garage. 😄

Some of these are new. Let's see if I can remember what I've shown you already or not. Ha!

Oh! This one's cool. It's called a ghost plant and I 3d printed the planter in plastic that changes color in the sun. It's white until sun hits it and then turns purple!

I don't know the name on this, but I printed the planter. I love the color!

This one is called a monstruosa. 😍

These are neat. I used a $3 chip tray to make this. 😄 I think those are fake lotus pods on the sides? I'm not sure I had them laying around in my craft stuff and it just seemed like the perfect aesthetic for this. The little house in the middle was from the dollar store! I did print the snail in the back. He can hold note cards do I plan on eventually labeling it something cute.

Again, chip tray and some stuff I had laying around. Both the big plants were rescued from the supermarket and had been over watered, but I think they should come back nicely.

This one was all picked from our yard! I love finding free plants!

There's a little 3d printed "rocktopus" planter in the back. Party on!

Let's see, what else?

Strawberries from last year are still growing strong.

The bed is entirely strawberries now. 🤣

For Easter this year, i'm 3d printing some of these cute "rotten eggs" and the kids and I are going to paint them.

Gawd they're so cute! 😍👏👏

That's all that's happening here steem fam. Chris is getting calls right and left from local companies, it'll be down to which one has the best offer. So that's good news!

Thanks for reading friends! ✌💗

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