What is real Success?


I was browsing the internet to look for an image that defines SUCCESS in the most simple yet powerful statement and I was able to find one that matches my point of view in it. Because I need to change my business page's cover photo on facebook.

Most of the time we weigh the success of the person base on their income or earnings, but no!, that's not the real essence of it. Your money won't define whether you are successful or not. You have the money but still unhappy? Because money is not enough to say that you are successful in life. Maybe, you are financially free that you can afford to buy the things that you want but you still feel that something inside you is not enough.

From the most popular statement "Sharing is Caring." For me, that's success. I can say that I am successful in a way that I was able to share a hand to others. I am successful because I was able to help those who are in need and that I was able to inspire others by some words of thoughts that can help them feel better.

If you are going to look for the meaning of Success in the dictionary, you will be given tons of definitions. But for you, what is the true meaning of Success? Feel free to share your thoughts.

Thank you and God bless!


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