Confidently Be Yourself to Gain Respect and Achieve More Success

When you live in a big city it can be tough to be yourself because you have so many other people you could imitate. Creating a successful career is not easy with all the competition and this may push you towards following others in doing it the way they did it.

This could very well work for you as it has been proven to work with someone else but very often will not and have you beating yourself over the head trying to figure out what you should do.

This idea came to me after watching a New York musical artist explain why his city has not been as successful as it was many years ago. He mentioned how most people hate on new up incomers and jump on the wave of whoever is trending. Most people are too afraid to support the unique artist and then also be that unique "artist" themselves. This creates only a short term sprout of success that gets tiresome, as it is the same cookie cutter product that is out there.

The same theory works for all of our success and respect we may earn in the real world for business, friendships, and popularity.

Uniqueness Breads Success

The world has a short attention span and therefore needs something new and fresh always. What is working in the mainstream now is not what is going to work in the future. What people are jumping on currently is what will be dying out in the near future and may cause you to be too late for the party.

As mentioned above, many people will jump on the trend because they are followers and do not have the confidence to be themselves, pave the way, and confidently set new trends. Once you prove to the world that what you are delivering is of importance, they will come..

Like the saying... If you build it, they will come.

There is also only 1 YOU...

If you become your true self.. there is only one of that in the world. Yes people can imitate that but you will be the best at it, if you own it confidently.

Bringing that uniqueness will most likely not get drowned out by the others because there is not much, if any of it at all... in the world. This will be a breath of fresh air and will always keep a core amount of people who enjoy the change and appreciate the boldness of who you are.

This can apply to your own self or a business idea.

Owning it

Confidence is such a key ingredient to taking this to the next level and really all aspects of your life. Nobody really will believe anyone or anything if there is not any confidence to back it up. You can see this by the people who are great, super nice and appreciative that gain no respect. What you put out there or feel will generally be mirrored into other people and nobody wants to feel insecure.

When you bring the uniqueness to everybody and own it with complete confidence, you have a chance at creating something very powerful. People will start to listen, check you out because of the confidence and then being unique from the crowd will be the new trend people can jump on.

People appreciate confidence. Putting yourself out there confidently in something that is not out in the world, which could just be being yourself, will give you a ton of respect from others over time. You put that great energy into others because of your bold self esteem and people want that for themselves. So they will jump on it!

When you own anything, even your faults, people always have such an appreciation for confidently owning your vulnerability. Even if they are more powerful or successful they will see you as a stronger individual. They want to be like that themselves and therefore want to be around you. This will give you so much more attraction, respect, and then success in whatever you do.

I hope this idea has made some sense to the readers as I am just wrapping my head around these thoughts and implementing them in my own life. Let me know what you think.



My recent trip to Guatemala

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