Week #8 events and emotuons

Almost 2 month passed since I started writing my thoughts here, and surprisingly I keep doing it! It became something like a duty. I decided to write new posts on Monday evening, but for some reason I often delayed it, and it ends with me writing it on Wednesday.

Again, same topics:

  • Education - we had an extra holiday on Friday, so I had some more time to study and relax. On Monday evening I've been solving one pretty complicated algoritmic problem, I stayed up untill 2 a.m., when I finally solved it. I was so tired that I actually wasn't really happy about that😀 I made 28 attempts to solve it, even with threads usage, and it was quite hard!

  • Talking about algorithms, I took part in 2 Codeforces rounds and gained 61 rating points. I also nearly got prize - I solved 4 tasks, but I wasted too much time on the last one - if I've solved it only 10 minutes earlier, I would get 2 TON! It's only something around 3$, but the fact that I could win money prize like that sounds incredible, 1-2 years ago I couldn't imagine it!

  • We making a huge progress in our Web3 project - we already have designed a website (and bought a domain name for it), and we nearly ready with our main product. Yesterday I spent nearly whole day testing smart contracts. I found a nice Python framework called brownie to do so, installed it, learned how to use it and - finally - wrote tests!

  • I played few rapid games on chess.com, and I won all of them (about 10) and got 400 rating. That's because I nearly didn't play rapid on Chess.com yet, so I had about 1400 before these games (on Lichess I have ~2150). I also played football few times, and today my friend and I went to the swimming pool - it's actually amazing way to get out of bad and completey wake up! I swam about 700 metres, and I felt very nice!

That's all. These days I spend most of my time on our project, and I hope that it won't affect really much on my education process. Stay tuned!

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