It´s time to get back on the LUXEMBOURG COLOR SERIES... !!! We already had GREEN, PINK, BLUE, VIOLET, ORANGE, WHITE, BLACK, BROWN, RED and YELLOW 😊. Here we have now some pics which I couldn´t really categorize because just every colours are equaly on it, some colour chaos mash up! All the fantastic artwork pics in the COLOR SERIES are from the same place in the Luxembourg suburb Hollerich. There is as well a skate park. Definitly worth a visit if you are around!
Location: Graffiti Bonanza, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Camera: Nikon D5300
No filter, no editing
Photographer: @vagabundler
More Photos from this series [STREETART - LUXEMBOURG]:
- Streetart Luxembourg #1 - "First the sights"
- Streetart Luxembourg #2 - "Window Man"
- Streetart Luxembourg #3 - "Lobo Rocks"
- Streetart Luxembourg #4 - "Service de Sports"
- Streetart Luxembourg #5 - "Garage Mouth"
- Streetart Luxembourg #6 - "Side Bar Monk"
- Streetart Luxembourg #7 - "Green Parade"
- Streetart Luxembourg #8 - "Pink Secundus"
- Streetart Luxembourg #9 - "Blue Collection"
- Streetart Luxembourg #10 - "Violet Purples"
- Streetart Luxembourg #11 - "Orange is the new Orange"
- Streetart Luxembourg #12 - "Black Night"
- Streetart Luxembourg #13 - "White Edition"
- Streetart Luxembourg #14 - "Trumpelmann”
- Streetart Luxembourg #15 - "Skate Park Hollerich"
- Streetart Luxembourg #16 - "Chocolate Brownies"
- Streetart Luxembourg #17 - "Red Rooster"
- Streetart Luxembourg #18 - "Yellow Suns"