Are The Foretold Dystopian Stories From The Past Playing In Our Lives Today?

While almost all technology is promoted as positive advancement and a great achievement, I see the negative and malevolent possibilities as a more likely consequence.

My perspective is based on the past archives, the habits, and stated objectives from technocrats, oligarchs, and other proponents for statism within institutions.
I ask you to consider threatening objectives for cultural engineering, "Full-Spectrum-Dominance", Psyops, and the "world order".

What really happened What Really Happened?

Have you read many dystopic or "cyberpunk" stories?

If not, then you most likely may have been entertained by them in film, TV, or computer games.
I am convinced that corporate sponsored mass entertainment plan to adapt many more sci-fi stories for mass entertainment in the years to come .

Here are but a few from the film & animation archives:

  • Videodrome
  • Blade Runner
  • Alien
  • Minority Report
  • Total Recall
  • The Lawnmower Man
  • Ghost in the Shell
  • Tron; and Tron: Legacy
  • Akira
  • Robocop
  • The Terminator
  • eXistenZ
  • The Matrix
  • Mass Effect
  • Hackers

Google's Dir. Ray Kurzweil, "We'll be uploading our entire minds to computers by 2045"

Manipulate Culture or Cultural Engineering

I now consider many Sci-Fi stories are dystopic by my reasoning, even the futuristic stories that glorify science and technology from Jules Verne, Arthur C.Clarke, Isaac Asimov, to George Orwell and others ...

Apparently their sci-fi forecasts are being pursued by the globalists massive capital funds directed to develop a worldwide civilization based upon the digital economy.
Recall the G20 vowed all citizens will be "digitally connected" by 2025.

Consider some of the themes and memes:

  • Advanced technology
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Drones & Cyberwarfare
  • Globalization Michio Kaku: TYPE-I civilization
  • Merge Man & Machine (implant microchips/nanotech/neural enhancement)

The 'Future', the writers wrote about is happening as you read this in the so-called calendar year for 2017.
While their fictional stories may have spoke of giant computer systems to communicate and manage the world, now exists supercomputers and the worldwide decentralized digital network of computers, aka the internet and blockchain tech.

This is not an accident, it is policy.


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