Faith and endurance

Faith and endurance often work together. In anything you are doing you need to have faith and no matter the challenges you are facing you need to endure because one day all your effort will be blessed.
I'm exposing this post, because i once a person that do not have faith and no endurance atall, because i was once a steemit member then but i face many challenges.
1.I was scam by one stemain.
2.No like on my post .
With this little challenges i stop steemit for a while untill someone just called my attention that did i have faith and i reply him that in what ,the person told me that in making it at steemit, i said yes and for my yes that is why you seen my post since all this while, now am back on steemit, i greet all my followers keep looking for my next post. >holuwaseun<
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