The Doomsday Drip (Where are you living?)

Lately, it feels like Western civilization is completely unraveling. Even some of the most optimistic people I know are dipping their toes into the sulfurous doomsdayer pool. It's not easy to stay positive when negativity bombards us all daily, like a steady drip of poison, on mainstream socials and in the media. The doomsday drip is impossible to escape unless you live as a hermit in some off-grid cabin deep in the woods.

"One mark of a deteriorating society is when people can't discern between the truth and lies. Another is they don't care and will believe anything their itching ears want to hear." - Cal Thomas

Fear is an extremely powerful weapon in the war of manipulation and when in fear people typically don't behave rationally. Fear has a way of wearing you down, it weakens your resolve and your ability to think critically. When you find yourself lingering in that particular fear-based mind space for too long madness isn’t far behind.


With the US Presidential elections coming up in just a few months I can honestly say that I’ve never been more confused. It's as though these past few months a curtain has been parted, the puppet masters have been revealed, and it’s making me question how I’ve thought about the world of politics all along.

I see people enthusiastically lining up, being spoon fed the same old tired promises hoping they somehow materialize this time. They want so desperately to accept the words that their itching ears want to believe. It’s easier to do this than to accept some hard and uncomfortable truths so they allow themselves to be seduced.


How do we insulate ourselves from the doomsday drip? I’m finding that I have to consciously bring myself into that place of; clarity, acceptance, joy of being, understanding, inner peace, and gratitude on a daily, sometimes an hourly, basis now. There are several ways to center yourself — meditation, immersing yourself in nature, yoga, tai chi, qi-going. Whatever method of centering floats your boat will do. I'm a firm believer that we all co-create our collective reality and that reality is born into the physical world in the form of our thoughts.

In the weeks leading up to this election it’s imperative for us to insulate ourselves from the doomsday drip. If we can do this it’ll be possible not to be seduced, to think critically, remain centered, and most importantly to be clear and conscious of the quality of our own inner thoughts.


Some would say this is no longer even a functional democracy so it doesn't really matter who you vote for. Sometimes I wonder if they might be right (but I hope not). Honestly, I couldn’t care less who you vote for, it's none of my business or anyone else's. My only wish is that you vote with your head instead of your heart. A vote is not a valentine will remain my mantra when it comes to politics from this point forward. In the days leading up to Tuesday, November 5th my only wish is for you to regularly check-in with yourself and ask, Where am I living?.

All for now.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Be well and make the most of this day. Thank you for reading!

(Gif sourced from

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