One Million Sets of Eyeballs (+ Asking the Hive Community for Input on My New Book)


Something happened yesterday that was quite unexpected and exciting!

An answer that I posted on Quora a few months ago has been read by over a million people. It’s dizzying to think about, over a million people reading my words.

I’d always wished I'd reached a million readers with one of my books but, hey, I’ll take this as a win nevertheless.

New Book Update


Possible Cover Image

The new book is coming along better than I could have imagined. It’s right on track for being completed sometime this autumn, worst case scenario by early 2025.

Here’s a brief glimpse…

Possible Titles

(Option 1)

Bits, Bytes, and Beyond: Navigating the Age of AI with Wit and Wisdom.

(Option 2)

A.I. Revolution: Preserving Our Humanity and Purpose in the Age of A.I.


“We are a biological caterpillar that is making a cocoon to become a digital butterfly.” - Joe Rogan

Possible Introduction

(Option 1)

Advanced robotics and artificial intelligence are on the precipice of changing human civilization forever. Much like the Industrial Revolution that came over a century before it, there will be a very clear distinction between the lives humanity led before the A.I. Revolution and our life experience afterwards. The smartest people among us are estimating machines will surpass human intelligence sometime between 2026 and 2030.

The question on everyone’s minds is will the birth of greater-than-human-level-artificial intelligence create a Utopian world or a Dystopian one? Even those people directly involved with the creation of A.I. admit they don’t know the answer to this question or how profoundly this technology will change our world. For the past few years a handful of tech companies have been in a race to accomplish this monumental goal. In their haste to be the first to cross the finish line many unnecessary risks are being taken.

How exactly should we prepare ourselves? This book is an attempt to answer this question.

Not all of us asked for artificial intelligence or even want it but it will be thrust into our world nevertheless. One thing is for sure, the change will happen quickly. Our happiness, success, and quality of life in this new world will depend upon how we are preparing ourselves right now. Let's get started, there’s not one second to lose. In the days, months, and years leading up to this pivot point in human history we must dig deep, temper our fear and greed, determine our purpose, and work to preserve our humanity as best we can.

(Option 2)

Advanced robotics and artificial intelligence are poised to flip the script on human civilization like a proverbial pancake on a griddle. Picture this: the world before AI, and the world after—it's like comparing a horse-drawn carriage to a rocket ship. Experts say machines will out-think us by 2026-2030, which, in tech years, is a mere blip.

Now, the burning question: will AI usher in a Utopia where robots serve us Mai Tais on the beach, or a Dystopia where they use us as batteries in a giant virtual reality? Even the brainiacs behind AI are scratching their heads. Meanwhile, tech giants are sprinting to be the first to create super-smart AI, maybe taking a few too many risks in the process.

So, how do we prepare for this brave new world? This book is here to give you a roadmap to navigate the AI revolution.

Whether you're thrilled or terrified about AI, it's coming at us like a freight train. Our happiness, success, and overall awesomeness will depend on how we gear up for it. So, let's buckle up and get ready! We need to dig deep, keep our cool, figure out our purpose, and hold onto our humanity with both hands. The clock is ticking, and the future is calling—it's time to answer.

Question for You: Which Title and Intro Options Do You Prefer?

Thanks in advance for your input!

All for now.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Be well and make the most of this day. Thank you for reading!

(Gif sourced from

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