A Note from Ukrainian Breweries to Russian and Belarus Breweries

Russians, citizens of Belarus!

We, Ukrainian brewers are herewith addressing you!

24th of February for us, Ukrainians, has become a day which divided the world into «before» and after».

Before: we used to live in peaceful Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa and other cities of Ukraine, brewed beer, arranged degustations and planned spring beer festivals.


After: we are sleeping fully dressed (if we are lucky to), stay in shelters, our women and children are hiding from Grads and missiles which are banned in the whole world. Our men join local formations to defend their cities, and often do this without arms at all.

You are now shooting peaceful city districts, civilians and children.


All the world has now already united in this Russian-Ukrainian war. A lot of countries impose political and economical sanctions against you. If you really think it will not touch you personally, just believe, you’ll feel all the charms of the «iron curtain».

You are already OUTCASTS for all the world, you are already being isolated from the European and world community.

Don’t keep silent! Demonstrate that you are a powerful nation, as your media state. Have a look on the newsfeed from Europe or any other country of the world, and you’ll be greatly surprised what your country is really doing here. Don’t keep silent!

Lives of both your and our citizens now depend on your will and your belief in Putin’s regime collapse.

Don’t bury your future and the one of your children under ambitions of a sick tyrant with fascist habits.

Don’t keep silent, speak aloud, come out into the streets! Come out till you are heard! Otherwise full isolation and disrespect from the whole world is waiting for you.


You shall understand that your enterprises, breweries, all the business will become outcasts. You’ll be isolated from all ingredients - malt, hops, yeast. Europeans will not drink your beer, and we doubt greatly that Russians will value your creations… You’ll be forgotten in Europe, your collaborations will become not experience and information exchange but will be more like a composition of a deficit and extremely expensive raw materials, collaboration with a municipal

Pyongyang brewery as the best variant…


Do you really imagine your future in this way???

We struggle for our freedom, and struggle fearlessly, with losses, but with belief in victory and in our Armed Forces of Ukraine.

And you have a real risk of staying in jail for many years, even decades. The world will not forgive you your silence. Ukraine will never forgive you your silence.

Start hearing truth and bring it to all Russians. Come out for protests and destroy your today’s power. We do believe in «Russian rebellion». We do believe in military or civil coup. We believe in calm death in the bunker.

Putin doesn't give a shit about you and your relatives’ happiness. He promotes a «Russian world» which no-one can understand.
He doesn't give a shit on lives of Ukrainians, our cities, the international law, his own reputation, soldiers’ lives. He doesn't give a shit.

But the most important thing is that he doesn't give a shit on his own people.

For all «Where have you been all these 8 years»

Let’s explain. Before 2014, the so-called «DNR» and «LNR» are Donetsk and Luhansk regions of the independent state of Ukraine. Your «peacemakers» have come to «save people from the Russian language oppression».

You have come to us, onto our territories, into our homes. We defended our homes, our families, but there was no any sneaky hit on the civil population. We defended our territories.

There’s a good deal of Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the Ukrainian brewers’ community. And never, anywhere on the Ukrainian territory, there was any language segregation, either in Lviv or in Ivano-Frankivsk.

Your media are constantly and regularly lying to you, they are promoting notions «neonacists», «banderians».

Yes, we are. We are all banderians now, and this means that we will struggle for our independence till the end. We have united all our country, all our forces to defend our country, our nation and our freedom.

Come out for protests, and you’ll feel that freedom is a value, that living in a free country where you can express your opinion and ideas is the greatest value. Prove that you are a great people, like your media are shouting, break a wheel!

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