STEMng: Always look before you leap

It is totally okay to feel pressure. It is also not a bad idea to take decisions based on felt pressure. However, it is important to take decisions when you are sure. You can't be neck-deep in the water and be complaining of the cold.

If you are being nudged and pushed by those around you or you are indirectly feeling any pressure based on the actions of those around you, know that only a few, if any at all, will be with you when it matters. Be prepared to go alone, any other support would just be a plus.

Welcome to a new edition of our digest.

Who are we?

STEMng is the Nigerian sub-community of the stemsocial community, a community that has been supporting stem authors on the hive blockchain for about four years now. While stemsocial focuses on everyone irrespective of their country, STEMng is specifically for Nigerians. The best stem contents published by Nigerians on the Hive blockchain are highlighted weekly.

Below are the posts that made it into our digest for this week:

  1. @gamsam: What it Really Means to have Bulimia Nervosa
    Everyone knows how important food is to the existence of living organisms. However, not everyone knows that some diseases are associated with the way we eat. Bulimia Nervosa is one such abnormality. Ever imagine someone eating willingly only to move to one corner to induce vomiting? You should give the post a read.

2.@nattybongo: Ocular Pain
This is a post from our Ghanian brother. The eyes is the light of the body, goes the popular saying. However, many of us are used to taking issues with our eyes with levity. Many even go as far as just purchasing over-the-counter eye drops for our eyes. I will encourage us to read this article. A little pain in the eyes may mean a lot. We should not use ignorance to plunge our lives into perpetual darkness.

3.@merrymercy: Narcolepsy - A Neurological Sleep Disorder

This is a post about people who can see on what. Albeit, not literally. Everyone knows someone that falls asleep easily even during the most active of events. This post tells you that this could have been due to a sleeping disorder known as Narcolepsy. It has diagnosis and treatment, but you will have to read the post to know more.

4.@ebingo: Men Have Bigger Brains But So What?
Scientific investigations have proved beyond reasonable doubts that men's brain are bigger than women's on the average. This difference could connotes a lot of things or nothing at all. Many of the differences that exist in the psychological and mental behaviour of the two sexes are thought to be due to the difference in the brain. What more? Read the article.

Asthma is an abnormal health issue that many of us are familiar with. However, not many can boast of understanding the disease, how it occur, and how it can be managed. What we know is that asmathic folks usually have crises once in while and are usually associated with inhalers. Here is a post that educates about the abnormality. Read on.

And that ends our selections for this week. Do not forget to give the featured posts/authors your maximum support. Thank you in advance.

If you are a content creator on Hive and wondering how you can participate in the community, all you need to do would to:

  • Write original content or videos
  • Make it as interesting as possible
  • Adopt beautiful layout/formatting
  • Personalize your writing (it is social blogging, remember)
  • Use copyright-free images
  • Include references (facts over fiction)
  • to increase the likelihood of being discovered, use the tag 'stemng'.

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If you have any information, concern, or inquiries; feel free to pop into our Discord server, message @gentleshaid on discord (gentleshaid#1143), or engage us in the comment section below.

See you again next week!

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