Suicide Cases

Picture source : Pixabay ( License: Public Domain)

Hello steemians!

Sorry I have not been active lately on steemit. My inactivity is as a result of my unavoidable jobs needed to be carried out that is already behind schedules. But I'm a little bit free now. I missed you all.

Yesterday I stopped by a newspaper stand, and I read a news about a young man that committed suicide as a result of his inability to meet up in life. We deliberated there at the newspaper stand on the suicide topic. And I asked "But why would someone kill himself or herself "? No matter what the situation may have been, there should always be hope of things getting better tomorrow.

A lot of persons gave their contributions and advice. Hence I decided to put it in writing perhaps it might someone planning to, out there.

From my research, suicide cases falls into three groups which are the individual, socio-cultural, and situational factors which often occur as a result of social isolation and loneliness, disappointments,failures,hardship,discrimination,misuse of drug and alcohol, history of trauma or abuse, lack of job (unemployment), poverty, poor social conditions, imprisonment, violence, and family breakdown.

It is on record that most young unmarried people are more likely to kill themselves than the married ones. It is also the same as widowed than single and divorced than widowed. The products of broken homes are more likely to kill themselves than the products of happy homes, and those with no religious convictions than those who have .

I have watched on TV, and YouTube cases of suicide. I have heard of cases of heartbreak, in which a young man or woman will kill himself or herself just because the partner says the relationship is over, I have heard of cases where there is no job,food,good house, good health care and so on and because of these, the person decided to discontinue his or her life. Some lost their loved ones and couldn't bare the pain of living alone hence they committed suicide.

Some hung themselves, took deadly drugs, fall from high building or mountain, some jump into deep ocean from the bridge and get drown, some pull the trigger of a gun, some used knife and pierce into their body and many other means, just to get rid of their lives.

If you look at the attempted and suicide cases you will find out that the victims felt depressed, loss of interest in work or hobbies, they stopped socialising, their appearance express feelings of hopelessness, they act in a reckless way, and not minding what happens to them, some even give away their possessions, make a comment about death or dying.

These are the signs you'll find of a person who wants to commit suicide. If you feel or know someone is at risk of taking their own life, then look at for the signs I mentioned. Then do well by offering opportunities to intervene and save their lives.

Howbeit, there is no part of the world that has no record of suicide or attempted suicide cases. I always say that suicide is a phenomenon that goes beyond the scope of social isolation or discrimination. Though It can occur anywhere, anytime and anyhow. It is not denying that some part of the world has more recorded cases of suicide or attempted suicide than the others. This is as a result of two major factors. The prosperity factor and the world's attitude to suicide factor.

Suicide is usually connected to mental disorders, more especially depression and the disorders from the intake of alcohol. If you find someone who indicates he/she wants to commit suicide, listen and take their concerns seriously. Don't be scared of asking questions about their plans, know the reasons why they are considering suicide. Do let them know you care, and that they are not alone. Also advice them to seek help immediately from a professional. Stand shoulder to shoulder with them.

Suicide is simply a hopeless acceptance of defeat. It occurs when an isolated person succumb under the strain of his isolation ,and it happens mostly to those who have already shown signs of their defeat in psychic depression and even alcoholism. It is only rarely a dramatic gesture and very rarely a rational preference to a painful death from incurable disease.

Statistically, there are ten times more attempted suicide than suicides, and most are not trying to kill themselves. Suicide is a typical of men and of the old. Attempted suicide is typical of women and of the young and especially of young women. Of every four men who try suicide, three kill themselves, while of every four women only one.

Of course, some genuinely wish to commit suicide and fail just as others wish only to attempt suicide and unhappily succeed. But in general, those who attempt suicide, and live, have different motives from those who kill themselves. Suicide happens among those who are socially isolated, attempted suicide among those who are socially in fact, emotionally involved . Suicide is a way of ending your pain for yourself. Many who genuinely think of suicide are deterred by the thought of the pain and grief they would leave behind.

Attempted suicide is a way of trying to call on those emotional ties. It is an appeal for help or a blackmail note for it. But never ignore someone who talks of suicide. Talking of it does not mean he only wants to attempt it. Talking of it need not be a plea of sympathy. Two-thirds of those who kill themselves have told someone beforehand what they intend to do and those who have tried once are not safe from trying again and succeeding.

End Note

Frustration and depression are the main ingredients that leads to suicide. Our attitudes towards people who once attempted to take their lives, can actually influence the sequence of their condition. Our judgement on suicidal people should be seen as selfish or somehow manipulative. We need to go beyond our personal assumptions and show love, care and respect to them. We can do well by sharing their feelings and help stop suicides.

Thank you for reading!


[1] Suicide Basics

[2] Suicide

[3] Suicide -Mental Health Foundation

[4] Suicide Prevention

[5] Myths About Suicide

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