The Nutrition of Bulgur

Bulgur is a grain that comes from wheat kernels that are cooked, dried and cracked into pieces. You can use bulgur in baking, add it to soups and salads, or cook it alone as a side dish. Bulgur has a nutty flavor and is packed with nutritional benefits, similar to those found in whole-wheat flour.


Bulgur is packed with dietary fiber. By eating 100 g of bulgur, you add 4.5 g of dietary fiber to your day's intake. Dietary fiber is an essential nutrient that aids your body with proper digestion. Eating enough dietary fiber not only regulates your bowel movements, but can also reduce your cholesterol levels, control your blood sugar levels and help you lose excess weight. The National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine recommends that men under 50 get 30 g of fiber per day. Women under 50 should aim for 21 g of dietary fiber per day.



Bulgur is a source of potassium, an essential dietary mineral. Eating 100 g of cooked bulgur gets you 68 mg of potassium. If you don't get enough potassium in your diet, you might suffer from muscle fatigue, mood disruptions, nausea or an irregular heartbeat. The Mayo Clinic website says that you should aim to get 1,600 to 2,000 mg of potassium into your diet daily.


Cooked bulgur is rich in folate, with 18 mg in 100 g of cooked bulgur. Folate is an essential B vitamin that your body needs to function properly. Eating a diet rich in folate can reduce your risk of developing a cardiovascular illness, according to the Mayo Clinic website. It is especially important to get enough folate in your diet if you are pregnant to prevent your unborn baby from developing neural tube defects.


Bulgur is exceptionally high in a carotenoid called lutein. Eating 100 g of cooked bulgur provides 54 mcg of lutein. A diet rich in lutein can help reduce your risk of serious eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts. The American Optometric Association suggests getting at least 10 mg of lutein into your daily diet.


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