What’s it worth

Feeling a lot better today, the past couple of weeks have been long and tiresome. It was all worth it, I may not have thought so at the time but it was worth it. I feel so much better than I used to, sad thing is I thought I felt good before the surgery.


So any of you out there in steemit land that do not go to the Doctor as often as you should, please go it could be a life changer for you. You may think that you feel alright but you may not really understand how good feels.

I want to personally thank every member that said a prayer for me and had me in your thoughts. It means the world to me. I am currently taking it easy for the next 4 weeks. I am kinda on a no lifting restrictions for 6 weeks, so I got 4 more weeks left. At that time I plan on getting a job and doing some serious silver stacking, might even work my way into gold.

Thank You

Peace out


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