Its been a long time.

7 months since my last post. Time sure does fly. It also looks like there have been some changes around steemit.


Things are going really good with my post surgery, had my 6 month check up right before Christmas. Only limitations that I have is no physical contact to the chest. I have come to the acceptance that I will never be able to box again. This was really hard to get past, but with support from my girlfriend and our Church, I realize that boxing may have been intended for me to like and not do.


I have started doing some volunteer work at the Childrens Hospital in Birmingham. I TRY and do 3 to 5 days a month. Most of the volunteer work is talking with Kids who will be having Open Heart Surgery. I felt this was a calling, cause one of the Questions that I always had was, Did you go through this? So I felt like it was Important for the Kids to have someone to talk to that had gone through it.


I have also decided that I want to be a pediatric Cardiologist, I think this is my calling. Plus I have talked to a lot of administrators from Childrens and they offer a little financial aid for past patients.

So 8 months ago If you had asked me where I would be right now, it would be nowhere close to where I am. Sometimes you get dealt a bad hand, how you play that hand is what makes the difference.

Now I am still a active stackers and there is a LCS close to the Hospital. I make it a point to go in every time I am in Birmingham, so I got some silver to show and talk about. Just felt like I owed it to everyone to give a little update.

I know that a lot of steemians mostly friends of my dad @raybrockman, said a lot of prayers for me, I just want you to know, they where answered and I am thankful that you took the time out to think about me.

With much Love and respect, Thank you!

You'll be seeing more of me around here.

God bless and thanks again.


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