Silverbugs: Random Coins

Hey Silver Steemers, I've got a couple of unique coins to show off.

The first one is a lovely golden pyramid. I'm a sucker for Egyptian style.

Here is the base of the pyramid. As usual we've got the evil queen. 15 dollars face value. Ok full disclosure, it's 0.999 pure "Ag" not "Au". So it's gold plated silver, not solid gold. Still awesome though.

Showing off all the sides of the coin.

Here is a nice top view. Pyramid is 3.22 troy ounces of silver and a touch of gold.

Here is the next coin. Normally I don't like these painted coins, but I couldn't resist this one.

The grim reaper! So badass

It's the grim reaper! With a scythe...and skulls. Nothing says grim reaper like...Canada? Oh well, whatever, it's awesome.

"Armageddon". Another great thing about this coin is that the evil queen is obscured by a flaming planet Earth. How appropiate really.
5 Canadian dollars, one ounce of pure painted silver.

A total of 4.22 troy ounces of pure silver added to stack.

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