Daily Coin # 157 A Beautiful 1983 100 Francs From France

I am 99 % sure that this is the newest silver coin I own ! On January 1 1983 the ARPANET (created by the US Defence Department)officially changes to using the Internet Protocol , creating the Internet . Apple Computer announces the Lisa computer. Its initial price is US $10,000 . It is the first commercial personal computer with a graphical user interface . Our coin today was minted in Pessac France in 1983 . there was 5,000,972 of these minted . They were struck of .90 % silver , weigh 15 grams , and are 31 mm in diameter by 2.1 mm thick .
The obverse of this coin shows the French Pantheon in Paris. It was built in the 18th Century originally to be a church , before becoming a tomb for famous Frenchmen . Under is written the legend "AUX GRANDS HOMMES LA PATRIE RECONNAISSANTE" (to great men the grateful homeland) . The words RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE surround all . The year (1983) is at the bottom with
The reverse of today's coin features a very large tree with oak leaves on the left and olive leaves on the right , a hexagon (representing the shape of France) is superimposed with 100F written inside and roots under . The legend "LIBERTE • EGALITE • FRATERNITE" (liberty, equality, fraternity) is written around all .
The edge of this coin is plain and smooth .
Thanks for looking in ! mikegpo

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