Daily Coin # 151 A 1915 1 Franc From The Republique Francaise

Today's coin comes from just after the beginning of WW1 . An earthquake in Avezzano, Italy , kills 30,000 people on January 13 1915 . On January 25 1915 in the United States the first coast-to-coast (New York City to San Francisco) telephone call is made , facilitated by a recently invented vacuum tube amplifier . On September 29 1915 the 1st transcontinental radio telephone message is sent . This coin was minted in Paris France of .835 % silver , it weighs 5 grams and measures 23 mm in diameter by 1.40 mm thick . It had a mintage of 47,955,158 in 1915 .
The obverse features the Sower , a national emblem of the French Republic . She is surrounded by the words REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE .( French Republic)
The reverse of this coin shows us an olive branch that separates the denomination 1 franc (above) and year 1915 (below) All surrounded by the Motto of the Republic LIBERTE·EGALITE·FRATERNITE (Liberty · Equality · Fraternity) The tiny torch to the right of the year is the mark of the Chief Engraver's Mark . The cornucopia to the left I think represents the Paris mint .
The edge of this coin is reeded .
Thank you for looking in ! mikegpo

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