Conversation Corner #1

I've thought about this idea for a while now and finally decided to give it a shot! I'd like to start a regular post which highlights a unique item which is relevant to the #steemsilvergold community. I've creatively named it Conversation Corner because I want there to be conversation, discussions and educational by sharing information. There is a vast knowledge base here on #ssg, so lets tap into it!! Plus there is the added bonus of a template to contribute something regularly 😜

I often find myself stumbling across new and unique things that I know very little or nothing about. Often what I do, and probably many of you is use a lifeline and ask a friend or poll the google for answers. However, I think this is the ideal posting scenario for SSG as it allows the opportunity for individuals to collectively share their thoughts and ideas on the matter at hand.

So, without further ado, let Conversation Corner begin,

The first entry here could be somewhat controversial and this was done with intent. Like I mentioned earlier, engagement and discussions are the premise of this series and what I'm truly after, so I'm hopeful this piece will stir the pot and breathe life into this regular post.


I stumbled across these things the other day, I knew absolutely nothing about them aside from instantly noticing they looked like poker chips with fancy designs on them. A little more investigating and I come to find they are called Satori Coins or Satori Bitcoins founded by a company in Japan called Raimu Inc since 2016 or possibly earlier. They are manufactured in China and each unit comes pre-loaded with 0.001 BTC. The holographic sticker can be removed to reveal a QR code which can then be scanned to import the BTC. Distribution is worldwide however it seems like they are illegal in the United States due to money transmitting rules and red tape.


A quick ebay search and these things are selling for north of $100/each with the current price of 0.001 BTC being approximately $11.50 USD.


I think these are a neat and novel idea and while holding one for novelty does seem appealing I don't see myself running out to get a roll mostly due to the fact of crypto-uncertainty. I'm reminded of a saying from the pm's world, if you don't hold it, you don't own it, just not sure I want to be holding an expensive poker chip that one day could have no value.

Does anyone here have any of these? Does anyone think they are a good investment?
Would you recommend buying these? So this is it for the first Conversation Corner, I'm really curious to hear the communities feedback on this idea as well as this intriguing Satori Coin.

Please share your thoughts and let the conversations begin!

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