Oh there's tons of evidence my dear. You just don't want to see it.
And there have been NO safety studies done on anything & the safety studies from cell phones go back to the early 90's back when cell phones were BRICKS. Any time a scientist told the telecommunications industry their cell phones were toxic, they threatened the person & hid the evidence.
You clearly don't know anything about this topic.
But I don't need a safety study b/c I have a brain & I am also very intuned to my body. I know what's healthy for a body & what's not. I don't need some idiot in a lab coat to tell me how I should feel. And 90% of all scientists who work for the gov't & evil corps are tained & corrupt. If you knew ANYTHING about reality, you would know that.
Not to mention all the people who are sick & dying due to all things wifi & cell phones & even cell phone towers.
In fact, there's a new study that just came out by engineers.
But I guess they are wrong too.
And all the scientists worldwide who signed the petition, they are wrong TOO!
LOL you are too much
RE: Throw Away Your Cell Phone