ULog #1: Mechanical Engineering Enhancement Program

In life, there is no such thing as easy. Hardship has always been the greatest enemy, but with great perseverance, Together Everyone Achieves More.

College life is not as easy as it looks, being able to encounter pressure and stress is like falling from an eight story building. However, with proper guidance and hard work, no one is a failure.

My diary today talks about me and my classmates being able to indulge in an enhancement program for Mechanical Engineering students. The enhancement program simply aims to enhance the students' capability to handle different mathematical problems and engineering applications. This program is free and we had such a privilege to undergo such the program.


The man in the photo is Engr. Harold Borja, a registered Mechanical Engineer, and also our mentor for the enhancement program.

He discussed some topics to us relevant to our course and gave us sample problems.



(photo of my friend @neilrichmond answering the problems given)

In order to work efficiently in the industry, we need one needs to master every bit of detail that are necessary in achieving a more productive future. This enhancement program is a key for us to attain that future.

Mechanical Engineering students now, Certified Mechanical Engneers in the future

Yours truly,

Noel De la Concepcion a.k.a @noelconcepcion19

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