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Staying healthy is a choice and even more importantly an intentional endeavour. Good health is a function of so many factors ranging from adequate proper information, good health practices,routine medical awareness of self, early detection and exploration of symptoms and lots more. Most people will think they have to be so wealthy to adopt a healthy state. Contrary to this, good health emanates from our activities of daily living which are almost free. Treatment is the least focal point of an efficient health care system. Prevent as the mainstay of health is the highest possible level at which individual and thesociety at large can maintain a steady state health.
The following tips will help us

  1. Replace carbonated drinks with fruits
  2. Don't eat fruits and vegetables only when you are broke. It should be a habit
  3. Wash your hands regularly. It's very simple but yet effective.
  4. Regular shower cools the body and allow us a better period of rest.
  5. Don't be in isolation, reach out to your friends.
  6. You don't need to go to the gym to exercise. Jogging for at least 30mins around your house on alternate days will do a lot.
  7. You don't need to have all the money in the world before seeing a doctor. Just go to the hospital first.
  8. Limit the amount of junks you eat. Its effects are bad in the long run.
  9. Get access to health information from time to time and apply them accordingly.
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