Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #89| Horsey Crab Melt

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Happy Hump day my Foodie friends!

Not only is today Hump Day but It also begins week #89 of Sandwich King @jaybirds Steemit Sandwich Contest! Wow! Can you imagine what 89 weeks of crazy sandwiches look like? I’m sure we’re getting close to if not already over 1000 sandwiches made to salute this great Sandwich community! Thank you @jaybird for your dedication and inspiration to all of us! This week we have not just @jaybird but @llfarms and @gringalicious to thank for sponsoring this week’s get together! I’m sure I can safely speak for my fellow sandwich Elves with a giant sandwich hug and thanks!

I know @jaybird just opened this contest yesterday but this morning I woke up thinking about my entry this week. After a long bike ride, I had decided what I would make, hopefully I had everything! It’s funny but I have found living in this tropical climate often dictates what I’m in the mood for.

Today I wanted something with a little kick! How about Horseradish? Interested?


Horsey Crab Melt

All it takes!

  • Fresh Crab (flaked) (1/2 lb.)
  • Horseradish (2 tbsp.)
  • Mayo (1/3 cup
  • Fresh Green Onions
  • Avocado
  • Sharp Cheddar Cheese
  • Salt/Pepper (to taste)
  • Fresh Sourdough English Muffins
  • And...Tropical Sweets to cleanse the palate

I grabbed the muffins…

and broiled them for a few minutes, I knew I didn’t want soggy muffins! While they were toasting I gathered all of the ingredients and chopped the Green Onions . I just love Horseradish, it adds such an interesting dimension to the salad don't you think?

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Now everything but...

the Avocado is mixed together. After a good stir and taste I realized more Horseradish and pepper were needed.
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Slice up…

The Avocado, have to include avocado right? On they go, toasted muffins were ready! A generous scoop of Horsey Crab was next, topped with a liberal handful of Cheddar Cheese. I could tell this would be something Mr. Bird would chirp about!
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Back under the broiler…

for a couple of minutes. My eagle eye was trained on that oven, no burned cheese for these two birds! Times up!

Voila, Enjoy my Sandwich Friends!

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A Cheesy-licious Hump Day Delight! Bird Style!

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This turned out to be a nice light lunch, perfect for a hot day! Mr. Bird was tweeting a nice tune after this spicy goodie, he thought the tropical sweet was a nice addition to a great sandwich! I hope you enjoyed my silly Sandwich rendition this week @jaybird! Thanks for stopping by!

And as always, blessings to you all!




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