Study at home or at school? [Differences and benefits] - Part 1

The world is changing and education in the same way, nowadays there are greater tools to provide the best development in children, as well as new difficulties that affect their concentration and progress. Education can vary according to religions, beliefs, ignorance, countries, but even if they are different, they have the same objective: to educate children in the best possible way.

Because of this, the dilemma of whether it is better to educate children at home or in a school can be presented?.


Education at home.

Home education is very much taken into account today by parents, whether for religious reasons, for the cost or because they do not agree with the educational system of the institutions, they feel that they are protecting their children from some kind of damage physical or emotional that increases every day in schools.

Some parents are prepared to teach their children themselves, find personalized teachers or take classes online, believing that in this way children will learn everything necessary for their academic development. Legally in some countries this is allowed, since every day there are more institutions that teach online, but it generates disadvantages since some people consider that children tend to be more withdrawn and do not have the necessary tools to interact with people outside their environment or how to defend yourself in a future work environment.


Education in schools.

It is traditional education since ancient times, each parent is prepared in advance to find the best institution for their children according to their perspectives, are times of search and comparison to find the correct one.

It is true that institutions have changed their way of showing themselves to the world, or that today there is a lot of discrimination among students, which has led to violence and they complain that the authorities have not taken the necessary measures or that some are very expensive But going through an institution means that children learn to share and integrate with other people, also grow in a personal and professional way.

When we talk about the school, we refer to the social dimension of the student. One of the great objectives of education is to socially integrate the student in the community in which he is immersed, as well as to prepare him to develop successfully in him.


Every decision made by the parents will affect the children in a different way. This topic has a lot of information to highlight, for this reason I will continue to investigate, to highlight the differences of studying at home or in an institution and what are the positive or negative contributions that each one has for children.

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