Severed Relationships:Factors That Result Into Unsteady Marriage Relationships


At present more divorce certificates are given than marriage certificates

There is something drastically wrong in our marriages. If #spouses are living together, they stay like total strangers. There is no understanding in our matrimonal homes. Peace seems to have evaded many households too. The matrimonal bed has been translated into a battlefield rather than a #love haven. Where did all the animosity come from?

I do till death do as part has been changed into abuses and into I wish I knew

There are few ideal marriage relationships at present. These few have the secret to a good healthy relatiinship. Single mothers and fathers are on the increase presently. It is not that their spouses are dead. No! They are there but have opted out of the relationship.


This is the right place to introduce the story of 'This Plane Must Crash'

A man and his wife were travelling on a plane to Italy. The plane suddenly developed problems when it was almost landing. The landing gear jammed, the weather was unfavourable and visibility was poor. The plane was to crash land and the probability of any passenger coming out of it live was rare.

*Pray and seek for forgiveness from God. Call your family members and wish them well," they were advised.

The husband confessed to the wife that the wife's sister was his lover. They had done several #abortions.
The husband was planning to poison the husband after the trip.

The wife revealed that two of their children were not his biological children. She had them with their bestman. Only one child was his. She had attempted to murder the husband before. She was even planning to kill the husband upon landing.

After the shocking revelations, a new announcement came in that their prayers had been answered. The plane had returned to normal and landing will be normal. Nobody on the plane could hear this.

The plane must crash


The outlined story gives the factors that affect our marriages. We live in bitter relationships.

  • Inhibitions

Many marriages are marred by inhibitions. One spouse sexually starves the other. There is a notion that sex is not food.

Sex is food. Without it, families are prone to many quarrels and anger

There are ladies in marriages who only feel their men's cocks, they have not seen them. The penis should be a woman's plaything. Likewise, there are men who only have to go to porno sites so that they see a pussy. The wife's would have solved this problem.

The bible says this in the strongest of terms. The wife has no authority over her body but the husband. Likewise, the husband has no authority over his body but the wife.

1 Cor 7:4

If the word of #God stamps on this, then who are we to do the opposite?

#Spouses normally go into their beds when fully dressed. They turn their backs on each other. Let them go when in the nude but dressing gowns. Let bare bodies touch each other. No inhibitions.

Never should we drive our partners into other peoples arms and bed. Let us drive them crazy coming home to you. Do not drive them to porno, drive them to you. Be their porno.


  • Challenges of Life

Life challenges may play a big role in tearing apart families. A spouse may lose a job, stress and sicknesses are some examples.

Spouses should learn how to go about challenges of life challenges. This is only possible with proper communication skills

Remember challenges are not here to stay. They often come and go in the same way. Talk over them and always have a plan B of your life. Always save some money for a rainy day. One can set up a business to subside for their #income.


  • Abandonment of God

When we abandon God in our marital relationship, we often risk losing out on the relationship.

The fulcrum of our lives is God. We came from God. He created relationships. He made man and woman and gave them different keys to open recreation safe. Without one inserting the proper key, there will be no recreation.

Satan has often attacked marriages since the time of Adam and Eve. Satan ensured that he blocks God's initial plan. The initial plan was for perfection but the devil brought imperfection. Attacking marriages is the devil's machination of getting at God.


  • Appreciation

Another aspect is that spouses lack appreciation to others. When they were in courtship, they often minded and appreciated each other. They appreciated how they dress, cook and do things. Yet after tying their knots, each forgot the other and like an outstretched spring, went back to their singlehood self. What they were doing was stage managed to win their love.

Married couples should begin behaving like two rather than one. They should cope with all the partners weaknesses and aporeciate their strength.

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