
These brownies taste like a rich chocolate cake, but they’re only 200 calories and they're made up of superfoods and delicious organic ingredients.

The theme for this week's culinary challenge is monochrome, so I thought I would create a monochrome brownie recipe. From the walnuts, to the hemp hearts, to the cacao nibs, and chocolate ganache, these brownies have an array of brown tones.

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Okay so for those of your who have seen any of my previous posts, its pretty obvious that I'm obsessed with chocolate. But I also care a lot about eating healthy and organic ingredients that are honestly sourced. And therefore I really can't eat processed chocolate what with the chemical additives, excessive processed sugar, and hydrogenated oils (processed oils which are really bad for you). So I had to find a way around this, and that's why I've started making my own versions of all my favourite chocolate treats. The great thing is that once you take out all the above bad components of chocolate and put in superfoods and organic ingredients, chocolate is actually very good for you. And on top of that organic cacao is actually a very potent superfood in itself.

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Health benefits of organic cacao (a.k.a cocoa)

Cacao has the highest amount of iron compared with other plant-based foods. It's also loaded with magnesium which contributes to heart health and brain function. It's a very high source of calcium, and has more calcium than in cow's milk. And because of the natural caffeine components in cacao it's actually a natural mood elevator and gives you a bit of an energy kick. And even though it's not as strong as some other caffeinated foods and drinks, it's a great source of organic caffeine.

For more about the health benefits of the other ingredients in this recipe you can click the links below from my previous posts about them:

Hemp Hearts
Sweet Potatoes

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Here's how I did it



1/2 cup walnuts, chopped
1 cup mashed organic sweet potato
1/2 cup organic coconut flour
3 tbsp organic unsweetened cocoa powder
2 tbsp organic peanut butter
1/4 cup organic maple syrup
1/4 cup organic milk (use almond milk or coconut milk for vegan brownies)


20 dates (I used pitted sayer dates)
1 small avocado
1 very ripe organic banana
1 tbsp organic peanut butter
2 tbsp organic unsweetened cocoa powder
1/8 tsp sea salt


1/2 cup walnuts, chopped
Hemp hearts
Organic unsweetened cacao nibs

*Nutrition information: 215 calories, 1.5 tsps maple syrup per brownie; this recipe makes 9 brownies.


Preheat your oven to 325 F. In a large mixing bowl combine all the ingredients for your brownies. Mix until well combined, and then fold in your walnut pieces. Next grease a square cake pan with oil (I used organic walnut oil). And add your batter to the pan, spreading it out evenly. Bake for 30 minutes.

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Take your dates and boil with 1 cup of water for 7 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes. Then place dates in a blender with their liquid and blend until smooth. Next add your banana and avocado to the blender and blend until smooth. Next, empty out the contents of your blender into a large mixing bowl and combine all your ingredients for the ganache and mix well.

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Then once your brownies are done, spread your ganache on top of the brownies, and sprinkle on your walnuts, cacao nibs and hemp hearts. Store in the fridge and they will keep for about a week. Eh voila! Double chocolate superfood brownies!

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I hope you guys enjoy this recipe. It's a great healthy indulgence for a celebration or just to have around the house. And though I wasn't expecting this, the brownies taste just like a rich chocolate cake, but without all the guilt. So if you're a chocolate fan, you will love this.

Much Love,


All photos and recipe are mine and original.

For more about me check out my Introduceyourself

And you can also connect with me on Instagram


And for more of my guilt-free sweet treats and other healthy recipes click the links below:

Vegan Healthy Banana Splits
Vegan Chocolate Chia Peanut Butter Cups
Vegan Poutine
Vegan Chocolate Chip Superfood Granola
Vegan Chocolate Date Truffles
Vegan Chickpea Curry
Vegan Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Cups
Vegan Chocolate Ginger Cookies
Vegan Pizza and Homemade Pesto
Peanut Butter and Chocolate Donuts

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