Who Are They, What Are They All About?
Well, you can read their posts and search for the few interviews that have been done with them, but can you really decide if they deserve your vote based on this? Yes .. lol .. but it is very time consuming. How to make it more of a personal choice, based on your own experience?
Are they involved in projects that you enjoy participating in?
For example .. STEEMSports! The following are witnesses who are involved in the project:
Another option, choose a witness (or witness owner) who you know and respect, and then check out who they voted for, as witnesses ..
For example: https://steemdb.com/@fyrstikken/data
Serious witnesses do pay attention to what the other witnesses are all about .. what their vision for STEEMIT is, what they are directing their time, energy and resources toward - @fyrstikken (@fyrst-witness) definitely does. But in the end, it is your personal choice, what you believe the witnesses should be doing / supporting .. you will not agree with anyone's choices, entirely.
Do Not Throw Votes Away!
We each have 30 votes, but that does not mean you MUST use them, especially if you wish to see your choices move up in the rankings, do not just vote vote vote, with the thought of receiving some form of return. Limit your votes to those you 'truly' wish to have a say in our collective future .. hopefully it is someone who is actually 'doing something', and actually has something to say.