To Whom Does My Steemit Registration Info Goes To ?


Steemit is a community where nobody has the sole control on anything , Am I right ? It is a community and it is not owned by anyone as far as I understand.

So, the question arises from my side is where does all the information all of us put in while registering go to ? Information like social media info, email and phone numbers ?

I tried to search any post related to this but none where found, how come if everybody understands the Steemit structure this question was never triggered or answered ?

It goes to Blockchain I think, while it get processed for account creation.
Then actually who creates those account ?
Witnesses I think, That must mean that every witnesses divides the number of account to process, now my question is
What is the point of having a customer base or Steemit user info if it is not in one place ?

And if it is stored in one place where exactly is it ?
It is an open and Crystal clear community right ?
So how come there is no website for showing all the new registration ?
We have, and many more website related to Steem database yet there is no site to show where our info goes.


The Reason why I am asking all these Questions is to understand who guarantees that these info well all provided will not be misused ?How would we recognize bots ? how would we recognize multi aliases from the same IP ? How are we making our Steemit world a better place ?

There is a point in letting these confirmation in place, they will stop misuse of the Steemit multi user feature, but we all know that it is not helping much.

Don't get me wrong, But being a Steemian my basic obligation is to support and to ask questions if I doubt some thing.

If any of you knows the answer please and if you don't I hope the whales know the answer if you are in contact with anyone please tag them.

Thank You for reading.

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