It's time for another useful stats post regarding internet traffic for As you can see, Steemit is still doing well, although there has been a slight downward trend in the last couple of weeks - most likely in response to the reduced value of Steem and cryptocurrencies in general. is currently in position 983 globally in the Alexa rankings and 1129 for the American region. Alexa estimates that Steemit has received over 2 Million unique visitors in the previous 30 days.
The majority of traffic originates in North America, followed by South Korea, India, Great Britain and Germany.
The 'Bounce Rate' is sub 60% which is a fair indicator that people come to Steemit and stay around a while, since the average for websites is significantly higher.
As we can see, the audience is dominated by males, with females only making up a very small percentage of the known traffic.
The age range of users covers a wide spread and it appears that the average Steemian has a higher than average education level - well done, you smart cookies! ;)
Data is reproduced from and is only an estimate based on their tracking algorithms.
Wishing you well,
Ura Soul
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