Today I was looking at someone I thought I knew
Eyes green or of that hue
Smile so wide to shroud the truth
Of what he is or tries to hide
A kaleidoscope of history lies behind those eyes
Or were they Brown?
Gazing, searching for a love of redemption
Wondering if you've found me now
Instead of being blinded by everything in between
you and I and what fate tainted and disguised
that failed to be noticed by those eyes
How was I so easily fooled
Or am i just imagining someone I thought I knew
Because today I collided into you or you to me
Did I fall? See my mind tends to convolute these things
And my eyes, those eyes reveal
the parts of my soul I've tried to conceal
Letting go of my heart, holding onto your gaze
hoping, praying this is more than a phase
of green, brown, red or blue
near misses, living one world as two
If I had just actually looked at you
Instead of seeing you through the lies of my eyes which tainted thee
I would have realized you were a reflection of me
photo credit of google