RE: RE: A Social Network requires Socialization
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RE: A Social Network requires Socialization

RE: A Social Network requires Socialization

I do not believe that any law enforcer or soldier is given a blank check to Kill people just because his government or higher ups tell him or her to do so.

That being said... War is hell..

If however a Law enforcement officer is truly doing his duty, to defend the weak, uphold a lawful law ( not a legislative whim) then they are actually doing God's will. As Job points out the breath of all mankind is in the hand of GOD, however this does not imply that God can be blamed for the millions killed by psychopaths in the name of political whims. God, the Bible states, has no pleasure in the death of the wicked and the appointed day can change as in the case of Hezekiah Isaiah : 38:5 Go, and say to Hezekiah, Thus saith the LORD, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will add unto thy days fifteen years.
Yes God had appointed him a day but there was a prayer....

Did God change? never but what we do not see is the full will of GOD in his sovereign decrees that he simply does not let his creation in on.

It repented God that he made man.... yet in His sovereign will and omniscient ability he always knew what would befall all mankind and when.... That however does not negate the responsibility of the creation to obey his will ..
Thou shalt not kill....
YET God tells us that if a man shed mans blood that by men his blood should be spilled...

God as the preacher stated knows all the sparrows that fall to the ground,yet that verse does not imply that all of those sparrows were killed by God...

As the verse in Job addresses all of the creatures as one group, he addresses MAN as something different altogether.. Man has a LIVING SOUL created by the BREATH of LIFE breathed into his nostrils by God himself. He is not merely an animated creation of Clay like the animals he is a living soul with eternal existence. As the book of Job continues in chapter 12: With him is strength and wisdom: the deceived and the deceiver are his.( vs 16) He is the owner of all but the manipulator of all is not even to be suggested..
He hath no pleasure in the death of the Wicked... and yet it is appointed unto men once to die ( not WHEN necessarily ) but after this the judgment.

I do agree , that being said, that unless GOD withdraws that breath that no man can die.... the bigger question is under what circumstances and under what plan he does so..... To this we can only say that God worketh all things after the counsel of his own will.

If an officer kills someone under the direction of another, and he himself knows that what he has done is unjust; he will himself have to give an account to GOD- who will not be the author of confusion....

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