I Unfollowed Twitter. You Should Too!

So I was all set to write my 2 week update of all the things I have seen and learned so far on Steem. But it's been a busy day, and there hasn't been time to really sit down and write.

So I am just going to post a small part of my observations for now, and will be back with more tomorrow.

So yeah. I unfollowed Twitter.

This isn't Entirely true. I still have a twitter account. And I do still intend to check it daily. But I downsized. Really Really Downsized.

You see. It was a matter of simple math. When it comes right down to it, I was averaging 546 tweets in my feed per day that I was scrolling through.

Five Hundred and Forty Six!

And that's not even counting all of the Fantasy Football people I follow posting on Sunday in the Fall, where it probably jumps way over 1000.

These are 546 tweets by people I do not know, that rarely have much relevance in my life. And that I get no real benefit from reading them.

Meanwhile, on my new favorite place, I read posts from @soldier and @stellabelle about motivation and being a good person. I see art from @fishmon and stories from @morodiene and @negativer and all the folks at the fiction workshop.
I listen to @sircork and @crimsonclad on msp-waves.

And that's just the beginning.

Why do I need to read 546 meaningless 140 character tweets? When I can get much more meaningful content, real conversations, and get rewarded for doing it?

So I unfollowed about 2/3 of the accounts I follow on twitter. My expectation is that it will reduce my daily time suck from 546 to a hundred or so.

I highly recommend looking at twitter, and facebook, and doing a deep dive to see if you can live without seeing what so and so has to say on a daily basis. It is a freeing exercise, I promise!


Thank you for checking out my post. Thank you to my 135 followers for joining me on this journey so far. Thank you to everyone who has read my posts and comments and interacted with me. I look forward to so much more.

If I can ask for one moment of your time. If you have a second and could go over to the below post, which is an "Add a paragraph" writing contest, and take a look at the entries and maybe consider voting for my entry. I an 3 votes behind the leader with a day to go. So support would be greatly appreciated. Certainly read the entries and vote your conscious. I don't ask for blind votes, but if you read my submission and enjoy it, I would love to have your vote!

See the post here: https://steemit.com/nextparagraph/@scottish01/writing-competition---nextparagraph--1502871762-7017367

My entry is hard to miss. It has a picture of Jeff Goldbloom's body with a raptor head on it.

Thanks again everyone! Have a great day!!!

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