prime-cleric is a sick guy Proof what is happening here

@prime-cleric A 3 Hour Ago @prime-cleric claim That @lays is not upvoting its customers and cashing out all money The screenshot he posted is just a sign of sick mind .
What is happend last day i got alot of Orders and all now due to POwer down i cannot upvote all of them sudden so recent Steem market crash my Upvoting power gone down and to Solve this issue i order More steem power from blocktrades to Help my customers .
Every one got upvoted and i am in bussiness from last 2 month no one got disturbed and if by chance some one missed upvote i always refund them when they said i did not got please refund . And i always refund them so i bought Steem power more to support my customers did not cashout as @prime-cleric claim And He claim his order is pending Unfortunately you can check my Transaction list @prime-cleric is not my customer and did not bought any upvote from me so He should be excuse for his blamming otherwise i will downvote him badly.

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