Steemitcards Bot is Stable now -Use it !

Steemitcards is Stable

As the code i used for the previos version had some issues with reply time , and sometimes missed some comands, i had to change some of the lines. @danielsaori was nice to share some lines of code to make my bot better and ~~ smarter ~~not that dumb.

I have upload it to a vps so will be online 24/7

List of commands you can use in your comments

@steemitcards + "!spam"stemit cards 5.png
@steemitcards + "!boobs"rsz_steemit_cards_4.png
@steemitcards + "!Bitchslap"steemit cards 13.png
@steemitcards + "!readit"steemit cards 24.png
@steemitcards + "!kissass"steemit cards 19.png
@steemitcards + "!commentcard"steemit cards 25.png
@steemitcards + "!panda"rsz_fcae227f.png
@steemitcards + "!whatsup"steemit cards 23.png
@steemitcards + "!papa-pepper"rsz_5b04f0c3.png
@steemitcards + "!no-boobs"rsz_3e734b6e.png
@steemitcards + "!fnord"rsz_9b1704ef.png
@steemitcards + "!buildawhale"rsz_9e8f0858.png
@steemitcards + "!bellyrub"rsz_2fd1d0c6.png
@steemitcards + "!curie"rsz_8a6ee585.png
@steemitcards + "!minnowsuport"rsz_44930255.png
@steemitards + "!freedom"rsz_d7f19bf3.png
@steemitcards + "!cheetah"rsz_f097c2f7-6e8f-4293-ad91-d6d5b46bcc1b.png
@steemitcards + "!tipster"rsz_1steeit_cards_8.png
@steemitcards + "!randowhale"rsz_steemit_cards_3.png
@steemitcards + "!rip"steemit cards 6.png
@steemitcards + "!blocktrades"steemit cards 9.png
@steemitcards + "!flager"steemit cards 10.png
@steemitcards + "!ned"steemit cards 11.png
@steemitcards + "!dolphin"steemit cards 16.png
@steemitcards + "!whale"steemit cards 17.png
@steemitcards + "!comentator"steemit cards 18.png
@steemitcards + "!crypto-man"steemit cards 20.png
@steemitcards + "!facebook"steemit cards 22.png
@steemitcards + "!bullshit"steemit cards 30.png
@steemitcards + "!steemcleaners"stemit cards 2.png

Give it a try , use it !

Post in a comment "@steemitcards + !command"
Exemple: "@steemitcards show us some !boobs"

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