New Series: The Steemian's Secret to Writing Posts that Will Boost Your Reputation, Popularity, and Profits! {-} Introduction {-} Part 1


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This new series of mine is a personal Steemit experiential experiment, and I want you to participate in it with me.

I've discovered a secret and, together, let's see if that secret works for us here on Steemit.

Reputation, popularity, and profits are what we want to achieve here on Steemit, right?

Of course.

So, the question is, how do we increase our Steemit reputation and popularity?

I believe that if we can figure that one out, then we will likely increase our Steem profits. And, aside from making friends, which is the greatest reward, isn't that, ultimately, what we all want?

Come on, don't be shy! Upfront, let's admit that we all want to make some friends on Steemit, and a little bit of money, right?

Hey! Steemit! We want some friends and we want some cash!

(Oh my goodness, that sounds so ridiculous! LOL!)

That's what Steemit's platform is all about, isn't it? We want to make a few friends and we want to earn some money here, too!

It's supposed to be better than Facebook.

So, let's do an experiment.

Keep up with me on this. It just might pay off for us.

There are no guarantees that my experiment will pay off, of course, but we'll never know unless we

Shall we begin?

Hey! That almost sounds like....


Like any video game, Steemit has a set of rules that include permissions and prohibitions.

What can we do on Steemit and what shouldn't we do. What we need to learn, first of all, are the rules of the game.

If you are like me, you have made a sincere effort to learn the rules of the game called 'Steemit', but you might have found them to be so beepity-beep complicated that you decided, 'to heck with it!', and you want to give up.


The rules are not that complicated, after all, once you understand them.

It turns out that the secret to understanding the rules of the game of Steemit is actually quite comparable to understanding the rules of everyday life.

The rules are socio-psychological in nature, and you are probably already using them.

Before I get into my discovery of the secret I want to tell you about, I want to hear from you.

In the comment section below, I want you to tell me what you think are the rules of the Steemit game.

I watch the activity on my blog very closely. If you become a follower, I have a tool that tells me that, and I will immediately follow you back. If you upvote me, I will upvote you. If you resteem me, likewise, I will resteem you.

There is one caveat to that, however, because, as my mentor, @wolfhart, suggested to me, if I am low on or out of voting power, it is always best to be honest with people and let them know that I appreciate their engagement, whether they have upvoted, commented, or resteemed me, and to promise you that, once my voting power is back up again, I will reciprocate.

Never break promises!

That is only one small, but important, element of the secret I discovered that I want to share with you. There is so much more!

Before I sign off for the night, I want to leave you with this question. Think about it and leave me your comments in the 'Reply' section below, after you choose to upvote this post.

Notice I used the word 'choose'?

It's always within your power to choose to upvote or comment or resteem, or not.

And if you can't right now, that's fine! But, would you be so kind as to let me and my followers know why you can't?

That, in itself, would be an educational lesson, to know what blocks you from engaging with other Steemians!

That is my question for you.

And we are all here to learn.

Thank you for your support!

The next installment will reveal a little bit more about the secret I have discovered. It was a sudden brain flash, and I think it just might help all of us struggling Steemians.

We'll see......and by the way, I applied the secret that I discovered to this post. Can you pick it out and tell me what it might be?

Please upvote and resteem but, most of all, please, please, please leave me your comment. Engage with me. That is also part of the secret: to engage. I love to hear from my readers! Don't you wish you could hear from yours?

Thank you for your time!


If you haven't yet seen my previous series, which is still in the works, you can find it here: Cracks in the Walls of the Watchtower

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