Steemit. The ultimate 9 to 5.

And when I say 9 to 5 that can either be full or part time. I really think this is it people. Who would've ever thought. I've spent years scouring the Internet in my teens and twenties looking for a real work from home opportunity. I realized then, there really was no such thing or at least I couldn't find one that was legit enough and believe me I tried, along with countless other friends and family. I remember coming across those ads where you can make “up to $1,000 a week stuffing envelopes!” How about the ones where they claim to pay you for writing reviews or assembling toys. Yeah right, let's just say I wasn't one of the lucky ones to get blessed with one of those gigs and I'm pretty sure some people have, so I'm not denying it completely. All I'm saying is this is the only thing I can think of where we finally have a real opportunity for everyone to make some serious cash simply by just being creative while sitting at home on your computer. The only investment is a little bit of time and creativity, literally. 

For years I've worked decent paying jobs and menial paying jobs, your typical 40 hour work week in corporate America and you know what, it's sickening. Job security is totally non existent no matter how much of a good employee you are, how many years of your life you've devoted or how much of your bosses ass cheeks you have to kiss. Good luck trying to get a raise for all of your hard work. As far as I know, there's a higher chance of you getting pushed out and replaced by someone willing to work for significantly less until they try to get a raise to keep up with the ever increasing expenses of a normal life. Oh the vicious cycle. Government jobs seem to be the safest bet but you better make sure you have your degrees in order and be ready to duke it out with the other thousands of applicants. Also be ready to invest plenty of time, travel and of course, money, that is, if you have enough to spare. Trust me I speak from experience. 

Imagine a world where you can make your own money and wake up, brew some coffee, play some music, turn on your computer, sit down, get to thinking and get to work. All on your own time, on your own terms. This is what Bitcoin, the blockchain and more specifically STEEMIT is doing for us right now at this very moment. No more waking up running around, rushing to work, frustrated in traffic, answering to a bunch of imbeciles who know nothing and could care less about you or your family's well being, fighting tooth and nail for more rightfully earned money that you will never get only to spend 40 hours a week at that job, 10 hours a week traveling there and 30-40 hours a week sleeping in between. And I think I'm being generous here. So, what does that equate to my friends? Let's do the math. If there is 168 hours in one week, that means 120 of those hours do not belong to you. 

The power is slowly being shifted back into our hands. Could you imagine Facebook or one of these behemoths implementing such an idea, oh the commission fee would be so fair. Yeah.
Well friends, call this a rant or whatever you'd like but I just feel the need to get this off my chest. I'm surrounded by lots of people my age, 30, some older and some younger that are not in the best positions in life almost all by no fault of their own whatsoever. This could finally be the freedom we've all been searching for.

“In the end, maybe it's wiser to surrender before the miraculous scope of human generosity and to just keep saying thank you, forever and sincerely, for as long as we have voices.”

-Elizabeth Gilbert



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