If You Are For Banning of Bots...

If you are for banning of bots, then you are not against bots, because the bots will still be used by steem account owners. So it’s not that you are anti-bot. You are only opposed to bot users being honest. You’ll have bots hidden in accounts to take advantage of the humans. So you are very pro-bots, you just believe that only the dishonest account maker (which is, of course, so reliable, moral and virtuous…) should be allowed to use bots. There is no such thing as bot control. There is only centralizing bot ownership in the hands of a dishonest elite and their minions.

This quote is based on Stefan Molyneux’s “Gun Control in 47 Seconds“

Bots thanks for making Steem feature rich.
Some Bots I want to give a shout of apreciation out to…

^If you are on this list and have not used a bot through your account tell me quick. Or accept the fact you spam like a bot. (Hey, I don't think that is a bad thing.)

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