All SteemFest presentations chunkified and ready for sharing, TRFund paid and more.

After 1 week of chilling in Portugal, spending time with the family we are now about 1.5 weeks back in Netherlands.

It's (almost) freezing here, but it is also great to be back. I handed in my computer on warranty so my little beast and workload was downscaled to a barebones raspberry pi for a little web browsing and my witness duties / server management, for which those little devices are actually great. Additionally I spent time to do some Zigbee light hacking on the same device, so we can now turn our toiletlight into a disco thanks to an IKEA tradfri LED color bulb.

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35 Presentations of SteemFest now available on Youtube.

Via the Raspberry Pi minicomputer I also managed to cut up the 4 single file recordings of 20 GB each (2 days, 2 rooms) into 35 presentations / shareable youtube videos of all presentations at SteemFest.

For this task I had some help from a more powerful devices: I installed FFMPEG on a server, downloaded the four 720P original recordings / videofiles from @shourai's (livestreamer) CDN and had the videofiles timecoded via OMXplayer network streaming on the Raspberry Pi, and writing down all the starts & stops. Next, put all those starts & stops in a Gsheet, exporting that to TSV file, ready to be munched by a small bash script to handle 'input & output' file with timecoded start & stop:

IFS=" "
while read id room day infile outfile timestart timeend venue title users timetabletitle img;
echo "/usr/bin/ffmpeg -i ~/steemfestvids/$infile -ss $timestart -c copy -to $timeend ~/steemfestvids/$outfile"
done < sfvidsched.tsv

This resulted in 35 presentations. Then I spent a couple of hours trying to add a preroll, without the need to re-encode all individual files, which I somehow managed last year, but forgot how, (hence I am now documenting this :P) so I gave up because it was just grabbing to much time. I tried to cat, I tried to cat with ffmpeg, I tried ffmpeg's concat feature but all ended up with having the audio being lagging. I really didn't want to go the 'reencoding' way as that would take up so much processing power.

After the cutting I had another nifty cmd line tool installed: Youtube-upload which does exactly what it says. I used the TSV file again, to auto add the titles and descriptions (taken from the SteemFest mobile app) to the individual video files.

Here are all presentations in 1 playlist on youtube:

@T-R-F paid out. 4000 SBD and 5000 Steem distributed.

Additionally after a reminder 1.5 weeks ago I wrote the script to pay out all t-r-f funds, there is just one person not being paid out, medicine man, as there is no such user on Steemit. There were many more applicants then last year and a little less funds to share, and many more people from far away applying, so in the end the per-person and per-mile returns where lower for all, but still we managed to distribute about 5000 steem and 4000 SBD to about 135 people if I am not mistaken.

Anyone who received funds should thank: @knozaki, @benjojo, @blueorgy, @edb, @hitmeasap, @walterjay, @ausbitbank, @jesta, @ericvancewalton, @kevinwong, @firepower, @lichtblick, @mariandavp, @skapaneas, @shenanigator, @gtg, @timcliff, @good-karma, @gringalicious, @arcange, @furion, @ballinconscious, @steemfest and @roelandp for their donations to the reward fund.

Steem talk @ National broadcaster BNR (business news radio) - 1 hour podcast (dutch)

About 2 weeks before SteemFest I was for a good 7 minutes live on national radio talking about the event and Steemit and the presenters asked me back for their async hour long dedicated podcast when I had more time. I figured I would have some after the event so you can now download and listen to me talking 1 hour in dutch about Steem, Steemit, Vests / SBD / Steem and rewarding content.

One of the main takes / feedback I got from one of the presenters was: Medium is really great for content discovering, 'staff picks' works wonders, and he missed that on Steemit. In the talk I give extra attention to SMT and a shout out to as well as Steem World Map.

Podcast recording (in dutch)


other news --- still need to find time to go out for a kitesurf. Has been 5-6 weeks now since my last surf session... But the water is very chilly already now, and especially outside. But hopefully this week!

Ps. Did you attend SteemFest? Please find a request for feedback (via a form) in your email inbox pretty soon.

Thanks, have a great week, Roeland.

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