What is true worship?

The apostle Paul perfectly describes the true worship in Romans 12: 1-2: "Therefore, I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your rational worship. Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. "

This passage contains all the elements of true worship. In the first place we see the motivation of adoration: "the mercies of God." The mercy of God is all that He has given us that we do not deserve: eternal love, eternal grace, the Holy Spirit, eternal peace, eternal joy, saving faith, comfort, strength, wisdom, hope, patience, kindness, honor, glory , justice, security, eternal life, forgiveness, reconciliation, justification, sanctification, freedom, intercession and much more. The knowledge and understanding of these incredible gifts motivate us to offer praise and thanksgiving, in other words, adoration!

Also in the passage is a description of the form of our worship: "present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice." Presenting our bodies means giving God all of ourselves. The reference to our bodies here means all of our human faculties, of our human condition - our hearts, minds, hands, thoughts, and attitudes - all must be presented to God.

In other words, we must give up control of these things and surrender them to Him, just as a literal sacrifice was given totally to God at the altar. But how? Once again, the passage is clear: "for the renewal of your mind." We renew our minds daily by cleansing them of the "wisdom" of the world, replacing it with the true wisdom that comes from God. We adore it with our renewed and purified mind, not our emotions. Emotions are wonderful things, but unless they are formed by a mind saturated in Truth, they can be destructive forces, out of control. Where the mind goes, the will goes on, and the emotions too. 1 Corinthians 2:16 tells us that we have "the mind of Christ," not the emotions of Christ.

It is also important to know that worship is reserved only for God. He alone is worthy and none of His servants (Revelation 19:10). We should not worship the saints, prophets, statues, angels, any false gods or Mary, the mother of Jesus. Neither should we worship with the expectation of receiving something in return, as a miraculous healing. Worship is done for God - because He deserves it - and only for His pleasure. Adoration may be public praise to God (Psalm 22:22; 35:18) in a congregational setting, where we can proclaim through prayer and praise our adoration and gratitude to Him, and for what He has done for us. True worship is felt inwardly and then expressed through our actions. 'Adoration' by obligation displeases God and is totally in vain. He can see through all the hypocrisy, and he hates it. He shows that in Amos 5: 21-24 when he speaks of the coming judgment. Another example is the story of Cain and Abel, the first children of Adam and Eve. Both brought offerings to the Lord, but God only pleased Abel. Cain brought the offering by obligation; Abel brought his best sheep from his flock. He brought his faith and admiration for God.

True worship is not limited to what we do in church or open praise (although these things are good, and the Bible teaches us to do them). True worship is the recognition of God and all His power and glory in everything we do. The highest form of praise and worship is obedience to God and His Word. To do this, we must know God; we can not be ignorant of Him (Acts 17:23). To adore is to glorify and exalt God - to show our loyalty and admiration to our Father.

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