Good Evening Twitter! Welcome to Tonight's Live Tweet Stream! Thank you for joining us again! #Charishouse #CLCUyo
We will conclusively discuss our 10 week teaching series on Utterance "Joel's Prophecy" @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
Joel2:28-29 #Charishouse #CLCUyo
Ish28:11 @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
The first manifestation of Prophecy came on the day of Pentecost! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
Tonight we look at how to get someone filled with the Spirit! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
One challenge you will face in getting someone filled is the challenge of Ignorance! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
It is your responsibility not to quench the operation of the Spirit 1Thess5:19-20 @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
Don't despise the things of the Spirit! Don't despise prophesyings. Rather give honour! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
Jn14:10-11 The promise of the Spirit is Salvation! The work of God in Christ is the Spirit in us! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
When you discredit Eternal Salvation, You discredit the Work of God in Christ! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
The Work that God did in Christ was to offer the Spirit in our hearts! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
This is our Sanctification! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
1Cor6:11 The Old testament saints were first to be sanctified when they rose from the dead with Christ! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
When a Man believes in the ressurection of Jesus, He is saved at that instant! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
Now, When we talk of being filled with the Spirit, It is not Salvation! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
Being filled is giving expression to the Spirit in you through Utterance! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
Being filled is not Salvation though Everyone saved is expected to be filled even at the instant! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
In getting someone filled, The first step is filling the person with the right knowledge! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
Teach the person about Salvation! Give the right information within a short time frame! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
As you give the right information, You clear doubts in their minds! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
He needs to know that Tongues is for every believer! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
You need to make their minds properly aligned to right knowledge! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
Acts19:1-7 Paul educated them! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
He needs to understand that Tongues is an act of His will! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
You simply instruct Him what to do! Speak out! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
Make sure there's an experience!!@Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
Be mindful of confusing crowds around!!@Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
You should minister through contact especially by laying on of hands @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
Most times it's easier with contact!!@Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
Guide and encourage the recipient to speak out! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
Encourage them to interpret as well! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
As you practice this more and more, You become skilful at it! @Olalere_Tosin #Charishouse #CLCUyo
We have finally come to the end of our series. "Joel's Prophecy" Take you for staying with all through. We Celebrate you